600 Tiere sind durch die Aufstände von Hunger und Krankheit bedroht.
Bitte helft und schickt Geld!!!
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Es sterben bereits die ersten Tiere, hauptsächlich Kitten und Welpen, da keine Tierärzte zum Shelter kommen können.
Das Futter für die 600 Tiere reicht max. noch bis Dienstag!
In einem nahen Gefängnis sind die Insassen ausgebrochen, was die Situation für die Helfer nicht wirklich vereinfacht. Die Insassen waren Terrorverdächtige und Schwerverbrecher...
Die Mitarbeiter des Shelters versuchen Futter aufzutreiben, die Fahrten durch die Stadt sind aber lebensgefährlich.
Schüsse sind zu hören, die Tiere haben schreckliche Angst.
Ich könnte so heulen! 🙁 🙁 🙁
Hier ein paar Facebook Einträge der ESMA Homepage
The Babies are Dying now four Kitties have died, The Shelter is not safe anymore vets cannot get there, food will run out soon please help.x
To all animal lovers abroad. I am Marlene Elshafei a life long friend of Susie Nasser one of the founding members of ESMA . I have just sopken to Susie by phone and she is asking me to let members around the world know of the dire straits that are facing the animals at their shelter in Cairo, Egypt.
There is just en...ough food for the animals until Tuesday, no vets can reach the shelter. Susie is asking for donations, please go to the web site, so that when things calm down, they will be able to get food and medicine for the animals.
The animals are being looked after by the workers who have agreed to stay, Susie did manage to buy some food, but it is too dangerous to travel to the shelter. She is safe in Solimanai, but she heard gunfire this morn.ing. Residents are forming groups in order to prevent people from looting their homes
Susie is asking for donations to be sent to them, the address is on their web site, so that when things calm down food, and medicine can be obtained. Please, please help if you can, and wish all the best for the Egyptian people at this difficult time. Thanks
I have just heard from Susie, the prisoners that have escaped fom the nearby prison have entered the compound of Solimania, Susie is hiding out on the roof of her house. There is just her and the bawab and his family. They are in need of help, the army is somewhere nearby, please God that they get to Solimanai soon
Bitte helft und schickt Geld!!!
Auf der Seite ist links ein Link, wo man via Paypal Geld schicken kann!
Es sterben bereits die ersten Tiere, hauptsächlich Kitten und Welpen, da keine Tierärzte zum Shelter kommen können.
Das Futter für die 600 Tiere reicht max. noch bis Dienstag!
In einem nahen Gefängnis sind die Insassen ausgebrochen, was die Situation für die Helfer nicht wirklich vereinfacht. Die Insassen waren Terrorverdächtige und Schwerverbrecher...
Die Mitarbeiter des Shelters versuchen Futter aufzutreiben, die Fahrten durch die Stadt sind aber lebensgefährlich.
Schüsse sind zu hören, die Tiere haben schreckliche Angst.
Ich könnte so heulen! 🙁 🙁 🙁
Hier ein paar Facebook Einträge der ESMA Homepage
The Babies are Dying now four Kitties have died, The Shelter is not safe anymore vets cannot get there, food will run out soon please help.x
To all animal lovers abroad. I am Marlene Elshafei a life long friend of Susie Nasser one of the founding members of ESMA . I have just sopken to Susie by phone and she is asking me to let members around the world know of the dire straits that are facing the animals at their shelter in Cairo, Egypt.
There is just en...ough food for the animals until Tuesday, no vets can reach the shelter. Susie is asking for donations, please go to the web site, so that when things calm down, they will be able to get food and medicine for the animals.
The animals are being looked after by the workers who have agreed to stay, Susie did manage to buy some food, but it is too dangerous to travel to the shelter. She is safe in Solimanai, but she heard gunfire this morn.ing. Residents are forming groups in order to prevent people from looting their homes
Susie is asking for donations to be sent to them, the address is on their web site, so that when things calm down food, and medicine can be obtained. Please, please help if you can, and wish all the best for the Egyptian people at this difficult time. Thanks
I have just heard from Susie, the prisoners that have escaped fom the nearby prison have entered the compound of Solimania, Susie is hiding out on the roof of her house. There is just her and the bawab and his family. They are in need of help, the army is somewhere nearby, please God that they get to Solimanai soon