Nein, ich habe es nicht mehr verfolgt, denn wir haben hier andere Probleme gerade. Die IBD Maus hat Krebs. Samira damals an PEK. sie hatte auch Programm bekommen, zwar ein paar Monaten vorher.
Ich suche das Forum bei Gelegenheit raus, dort wurde aufgerufen information zu liefern, wie gesagt es ist einige Monaten her. bei der FDA glaube sind auch Warnung gegen Spots publiziert worden, schaue ich auch mal nach.
PS: Ich poste immer wieder wenn einer meiner Links auftaucht, aber die Geschichte ist gegessen für mich. Bei uns fing der Problematik diesmal mit dem Leber an.
Eine habe ich
List of known side effects
A number of side effects has been associated with the use of lufenuron, particularly in Sentinel. Among these are
convulsions, anorexia, lethargy, and skin irritation.
While rare, there have been reported cases of adverse reactions to lufenuron following oral administration.
According to, the animals in these cases experienced vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, and reddish skin accompanied by itching.
Humans can be affected by lufenuron as well. For one, this substance has been confirmed as a respiratory tract irritant and skin sensitizer. Additionally, lufenuron is considered to be a
possible thyroid and liver toxicant, and has been implicated as having potential negative developmental and reproductive effects.
Body systems affected by lufenuron
To humans, lufenuron can be harmful to the respiratory tract and skin, and pose a risk to the thyroid and liver. To cats and dogs, lufenuron can damage the skin, respiratory, and
digestive systems.
One of the chemicals Sentinel contains,
lufenuron, is used for the flea prevention. Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent fleas from jumping on your pet. Lufenuron has no effect at all on the adult flea, as a matter of fact, its only target is the female flea who lays eggs. When a female flea jumps on and bites a treated pet it ingests lufenuron. When the female lays eggs, the lufenuron is deposited in her eggs. Now here is the clincher. Sentinel states that lufenuron prevents "most" eggs from hatching or maturing into adults. Most? What about the fleas that do not fit into this "most" category? And what about all the male fleas? Well logically, they remain on the animal.
You know what it recommends on the package? "Use of other conventional insecticides should be employed for adult flea prevention." If you do that, why even use Sentinel? We consider this pill an internal insecticide.
Side Effects of Sentinel
Want more? Let's take a look at some of the side effects of Sentinel. It has been reported to cause lack of appetite and anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, lethargy, difficulty breathing, and skin irritations. Hmm, a long list of side effects just like a long list of what Sentinel prevents.
When these products first came out, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) became flooded with reports of adverse side effects. Apparently the pesticides and repellents being used to protect dogs and cats from fleas, ticks and parasites were harming the health of the animals and the humans administering them.
That's right, humans! In an 18-month period the EPA received 853 reports of adverse side effects caused from these so-called "safe, easy to use monthly tablets". There were 148 animal deaths, and 58 reports of human sickness. Doesn't sound too safe to us! Think about this -- those are just the people who made the association between their personal or pet's illness with Sentinel. Most people would not even think of this potentially making them sick because it is marketed as totally safe.
here is strong epidemiologic evidence that links the administration of inactivated feline vaccines and subsequent development of sarco- mas at the site of injection. Other causes have been implicated, includ- ing sites of antibiotic and
lufenuron administration