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Clinical pathologists often classify the fluid into one of three major categories: exudate, transudate, or modified transudate, based on the amount of protein and cells in the fluid. Most samples end up being modified transudates, however, there is a lot of overlap between categories, and most practitioners don’t fine this classification very useful. A more practical classification attributes the ascites to one of 7 disease categories: cardiac, cancer, liver, kidney, urinary tract trauma, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), and peritonitis (inflammation of the lining of the abdomen).
Heart disease isn’t a major cause of ascites in cats, compared to dogs. Prior to 1987, heart disease was a significant cause of ascites in cats, mainly due to the disease dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), which was fairly prevalent. Once it was discovered that a deficiency in the amino acid taurine was the primary cause of feline DCM, pet food manufacturers corrected the deficiency in the food and the incidence of DCM dropped dramatically.
Sadly, cancer is a common cause of abdominal effusion in cats, and is more common as cats get older. In most cases, the initial tumor is a carcinoma, typically involving the gastrointestinal tract or pancreas. The tumor metastasizes throughout the entire abdomen, a condition called carcinomatosis, and this often leads to ascites.
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a terrible viral disease that commonly causes abdominal fluid accumulation. Any age cat is susceptible, although young cats are more commonly affected. Unfortunately, FIP is not treatable and cats invariably succumb to the disorder.
Severe liver disease may cause ascites in cats. The liver produces albumin, a protein that is important in helping maintain fluid within the circulation. If the liver is very diseased, it may produce inadequate amounts of albumin, resulting in hypoproteinemia, a reduced level of protein in the blood. This can lead to ascites.
Pancreatitis is a common cause of ascites in cats. In acute, severe cases of pancreatitis, fluid leaks through the vessels within the inflamed pancreas, into the abdominal cavity. Pancreatitis used to be difficult to diagnose in cats, however, better ultrasound equipment and the development of a blood test called the fPLI test has made pancreatitis less difficult to diagnose.